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Christmas Message from Mother Mary for the Children of Light

My Beloved Children, sons and daughters of my heart, I speak to you at this blessed time when you celebrate the birth of my Beloved Son, Yeshua. At the time of His birth I was but a young girl dwelling in a land suffering under occupation by another civilisation. We too were surrounded by fear and conflict just as you are now. I am here this day to light a beacon, to show you the way home.  I am delighted at this time to be reunited with each one of you as you read these words. Long, long ago we dwelled together in the realms of light, each one of you was a brilliant star in the heavenly firmament, floating freely, unlimited by physical form, completely free, powerful and full of love.

Mother Earth sent forth a call, She called to the Children of Light to walk upon Her body, to bring the Light of Heaven to Her body so that She too might be lifted up. You heard the cry of Her heart and you came to walk the beautiful light of your being here upon the earth plane,  to experience suffering, pain, grief and separation.

This was something that you had never experienced before and it has not been an easy walk. It has been most challenging to remain with your heart open when there is darkness all around.

The Earth as you see it now is undergoing a great transformation. All that is not of Love is being brought up to the surface to be released. So as you look around you it looks as if the Earth is consumed with hatred, prejudice, abuse of power of the few over the many. I say to you now that it is the light that is causing the darkness to be seen.The light is illuminating the darkness so that it too can be lifted up into the light of truth. Do not be concerned by the stories which you hear all around you. It is simply the way that humans have chosen to learn that love is the only thing that is real. Many have chosen to walk through what we may call the valley of the shadow of death in order to come to the realization that love is what matters. So love them, bless them but do not be drawn into the illusion because you are here to be a beacon of light. Simply shine your light even brighter when you are surrounded by darkness. Pray for those who persecute you and see them being lifted up.

You are the Beloved Children of The Father and The Mother, we brought you to birth between  us and will never let you fall. No, we hold you while you take your baby steps, learning your life lessons in whatever way you have chosen in order to come to a place where you absolutely know  that only Love is real. For some of you this means experiencing loss of health, possessions, loved ones but know that I am here with you as you learn your lessons. I wrap my wings around you. I am your Divine Mother and I love you without condition. You do not have to earn My love, it is your birthright.

I invite you now  to give birth to the Christ Light that is within you, claim your birthright which my Beloved son and I came to this Earth to demonstrate for you. We planted the seed which is now yours to harvest. You are a Shining One, a Magnificent Being of Light, a blessings to this Earth and  I love you eternally.Copyright © *Charmian Redwood 2017 All rights reserved.

Charmian offers personal channeled akashic record soul readings and online classes in spiritual development and self empowerment Info on my website

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